Lisa Lucca – My calm Interior

My calm Interior

Lisa Lucca 

Lisa Lucca is a life-coach and writer who lives in Las Cruces,and also hosts  a talk show “Live True” on KTAL-LP 101.5 FM

Quarantine has been easier for me than many. I spent a lot of my time at home anyway, working as a life coach over the phone, writing a book, hanging out in my garden with my sweetheart. We love our house overlooking Las Cruces and the Western sky. Taking walks into the desert from our front door. On Friday morning, I would go into the radio station where I do a weekly talk show. Now I record that show at home.

No, my life external life has not changed much.

What has changed is on the inside, my usually calm interior experiencing a stress I had worked hard in my life to eliminate. Fear creeps in about how my mother in Illinois is doing in her independent living community that feels anything but right now as she is captive in her apartment. I am calmed by the knowing that we moved her there from her townhouse on the first of March, just in time, and that she is being looked after. I worry about my son, also in Illinois, working at home, with only his cat for company, for weeks on end. I obsess over taking every precaution when I leave the house, appalled at those who don’t, and more about my sweetheart bringing home a deadly kiss.

As I speak with clients all over the country, I am ever more grateful for our move to New Mexico from California two years ago. I pray for them as they navigate this unprecedented time in urban areas where staying away from others is more challenging. I listen to their concerns, offering all the solace and hope I can muster. Then I turn towards those things myself, focusing again on gratitude.

I can’t help but marvel at how the Earth is healing, how we were all sent to our rooms to think about what we’ve done, Mother Nature insistent that she is truly in charge. That this is not just happening to us, but also for us, and that if we are paying attention, we will emerge from our cocoons knowing what truly matters.