Jay W. Sharp

The wonders of our Organ Mountains – by Jay Sharp

“The Organ Mountains, one of the most picturesque and rugged mountain ranges in the Southwest, form the skyline approximately10 mi east of Las Cruces, New Mexico…, in southern Doña Ana County….,” said William R. Seager in his report Geology of Organ Mountains and southern San Andres Mountains, New Mexico, 1981.
Organ Mountains

Las Cruces / Mesilla: A Mecca for the Adventurous – by Jay Sharp

Unlike stratified neighboring mountain ranges, which had origins in ancient and placid seas, the Organs – purportedly named by the Spanish for their resemblance to the pipes of the great organs in the cathedrals of their home country – emerged from the molten interior of the earth in a complex sequence of violent magmatic eruptions, lava flows, structural warping and fracturing and relentless erosion.
Teague Heartfjord

The Necessary Migration of Stuff – by Teague Hartford

An elderly woman was admitted to the ICU in her 90s and she was in horrible health all around. They cleaned her and tucked her in to die in peace, but the odor emanating from her demanded that they investigate further. Her fists were both clenched tightly. They finally pried them open. Evidently the woman had grabbed some bread at some point long ago and held on for dear life, as though it would infuse life into her through some sort of osmosis perhaps. Ironically, it of course came to life itself with maggots who were munching away at her flesh.